Arleen Joseph

Arleen Joseph

Arleen Joseph is a native New Yorker who since childhood has known that she wanted to be involved in the arts.

Once deciding to leave the world of fashion, Arleen searched for ways to continue her artistic expression. Oil painting became her passion. She found her voice in abstract landscapes.

After graduating from the High School of Art & Design, and from Parsons the New School for Design, She had a career in fashion, working for many major dress firms in the industry as Head Designer for over 20 years.

Her works are collected worldwide including in Italy, Sweden, Australia, Hong Kong, Peru, Mexico, and throughout the United States.

Artist’s Statement:

Evoking a sense of place, a heightened sense of atmosphere and cultural influences my paintings are an allusion to landscape, a suggestion of place based on color and sensory details. I am influenced not only by the natural world of each place I venture, but especially by the material culture; fabrics, designs that are ubiquitous to each place. I employ broad gestural brushstrokes as I layer the many colors of paint as a response to the rich, vibrant colors found in each culture.

Working intuitively allows me to discover and explore the canvas as I have discovered each new place. Like travel, it is a physical process. I rotate the canvas until a cohesive composition is found. Using oil paint, cold wax, gold metallic paint and glaze, I am continually adding texture to develop the pictorial space as I work the painting deeper on to the canvas creating a multi-layered composition of light, balance and harmony.

I am deliberate in my choice of colors, from the gold Buddhas of Thailand, to the gold ground of Byzantine France to the simmering reds of the Renaissance all my color choices reflect my global journeys and my desire to recreate the sensations visually.